Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Just had a call with the SR organization - Couple things

  1. Riders, including Lari and your dad - I need your full names to give to Woody so that we can be admitted to Brooke AMC, for the San Antonio ride.

  2. If we hook up with the SR group at 7am on Thursday, we can get a free Cracker Barrel breakfast with them and follow them onto base.

  3. I've asked for, and am reasonably confident we'll receive, some degree of police escort, either bike or motorcycle, from the vicinity of Mission Espada to Hwy 181 to ward Beeville.

  4. The SR group is staying in San A on Thursday Night, rather than Beeville, and trucking in, on Friday morning. The Beeville ride will start at 10 am. There is some question if any of the official riders are up to the full 45 mile ride to Portland, but many expect to.

  5. There are a few hairy portions of 181 with minimal shoulder. Lari's dad's escort services will be invaluable here.

  6. Lunch will be provided on the road to Portland with the SR group.

  7. The plan is to truck us with the official riders over the Harbor Bridge into Corpus from Portland Friday night, after an ice cream party in Portland. There is a social event at Theo's billiards on Friday night.

  8. Saturday, we hook up with the group with the public riders at Texas A&M, just outside the gate at NASCC, and we're invited to stay for the after party.

    *******EDIT! HEADS UP!******


I think that's it. Questions/Comments?

Tate, Clarence is meeting us in Copperas Cove, correct - or sometime Sunday before that?


peace said...

1. It's Lari Aycock and H. L. (Herbert Lawrence) Aycock (Larry)

2. We can be there at 7 am Cracker Barrel, not so much for breakfast, but for introductions...let us know which Cracker Barrel.

3. Regarding the escort from Mission Espada to Hwy 181..glad to hear that. I was viewing some maps and it's complicated down there. What I wish we could figure out ahead is where to have SAG Larry stationed so he hooks up with us around that time for SAG to Beeville. Any ideas if that is something we can figure out ahead or is it a breakfast topic on Thursday?

5. 181 and shoulder....Yellow sign on the back of the vehicle helps alert cars, etc. If we know approximately where these hairy spots are, should we plan to be grouped together more?



peace said...

Oops, one other thing. I had a message from Mrs. Stewart of Beeville fame who has offered the "fishing pond pasture" for camping when we arrive. I'd sent her a copy of the poster you had and a letter detailing some of the ride and thanking her. Her message asked if it was okay that she has made copies of the poster and gotten them around town as well as, called the newspaper herself to get the story going.

barlows said...

1. Steven James Barlow
I'll get with Ray and get his, not sure how closely he's following the blog.

David, great work pulling this together. I know it's taken a lot of effort.

Lari, thanks for doing the groundwork on Beeville, as well as SAG Larry (does he know you call him that?). That's a huge help.

Looking forward to this, I know we're going to have a good time.

peace said...

He calls himself SAG Dad...the local cycle group calls him the same thing. He even had business cards printed with his cell number on them...Larry Aycock, "SAG Dad". He's been out there even when I don't ride and he's offered to pick up people if they are out riding and something goes wrong. He's the AAA of our local informal riding group.
As you can imagine...he served in the Army, has a son in the Marines, been cycle SAG wagon for a year...this whole venture is right up his alley!
Ditto on the thanks for coordination efforts of David!

barlows said...

Ray's is Ray Nicholas Hosack.

Tate said...

Paul Edward Hakes
Paul Edward Hakes Jr

I'm now packed and ready

David Hill said...

Steve, please make sure Ray brings photo ID.

You guys have clearly done as much or more than I have. Tell you what, don't tell anyone that you saw me weeping and pushing my bike up a hill and we'll call it even.