Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Can we just go today?

Please? Y'all are ready, right?


Tate said...

I'm 98% Gotta get a prescription refill tonight, and find a way to carry the laptop securely then I'll be ready....But if you insist I could be ready in an hour. I am having a hard time at work, actually working...keep going over the pack list, thinking about what to wear that 1st morning.......OK let's go!

peace said...

I have to say....I am so impressed with your planned endeavor! I tell everyone about the "itty bitty" portion of the ride I am doing to join ranks with THE DFW group. People say, riding from DFW on what? I say, bicycles. They say, no way. I say, WITH Trailors. They say, no way. I give them a peice of paper with the blogspot web address on it so they can follow along themselves. Most don't know whether you are crazy or ill. But all acknowledge the gift of your time, energy and effort.
My brother phoned yesterday (Col. Mark T. Aycock, USMC) to personally ask me to thank you for what you are doing. He extends the thanks from himself, from his Batallion and their families and all service men and women.
I look forward to meeting you all.

c_m_shooter said...
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c_m_shooter said...

I'm not ready today. I took my bike apart when I got back from last weekend. It's not quite back together yet. Getting close though.

David Hill said...

Lari, please tell the Colonel that if he should pass through DFW, this old grunt knows where they keep the good scotch, and I'll be happy to show him.

c_m_shooter, don't feel too bad, my pannier contents are scattered across the guest room waiting a revised packing order.

c_m_shooter said...

Hey, I didn't get your post until I went out for my ride today. We have a north wind blowing! Quick lets use it!

barlows said...

Yeah, I'm packed except for booze and cigars. I figure those go in last anyway. Anyone pack any snow tires? :^)

Anyone have any last minute needs?