Sunday, March 2, 2008

Brutal stinkin' wind.

I'm willing to pray to anyone that next Saturday bears no resemblance to today in the wind department. I rode the 1st half of the Day One route, due frickin' South. I was so happy when my wife called to tell me the weather was supposed to be coming in sooner so I had a legitimate reason to turn around. I wound up getting in about 60 miles, but it hurt like 100.

Knee doesn't like weather changes either, go figger.


Tate said...
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Tate said...

It was bad at Bar-H real bad on the race-course can't imagine on the road....Cliff did yea make it back.. He rode to Bar-H and Back today in full loaded +++ Impressive.

c_m_shooter said...

The ride home today was brutal. Took me eight hours. The wind was a cross wind when I left Bar-H that was knocking me off the road. After I stopped for ice crean in Saint Jo, It had turned into a headwind and I couldn't get over 6-8mph to Forestburg. It let up some after that but I was so tired that I only managed about 10mph back to the house.
I may have still been tired from Saturday, I'm not sure. I may have done too much trail riding after the ride up there. 80 miles total on my bike saturday plus almost three hours on the demo bikes.
Anyway it was good to get a couple long days back to back, to see if I'm up for it.

David Hill said...

Dang, shooter. Sounds like you're more up to it than most.

I went out to the South so I'd have the tailwind coming back. Like yo said, 6-8 mph on the flats. It's crazy to be pedaling hard on a downhill to make 12 mph.

Hasty! said...

6-8 mph on the flats?

That's sounds like a very familiar situation. Take advantage of day one though. Probably the most excess energy you'll have the whole time.

Good luck on the trip boys!

David Hill said...

Thanks Hasty. Your Nitto rack with my sleeping bag on it fits like a champ, and my other gear all fits into the 2 panns, so I don't even have to have anything strapped to the rear rack. Perfect.

The sleeping bag up front under the bar bag catches a lot of crosswind, but I guess that's not to be helped.

barlows said...

So....paceline it is? ;^)

David Hill said...

I suspect those of us who usually ride alone might become pretty adept at pacelining on this trip.

Better not overlap wheels, though - I was having a helluva time holding my line and with baggage that could get ugly.

Tate said...

The one big advanage of the bob....except for hte pace line aspect. Looks like low and slow if the wind keeps out of the south. 7 day weather guess looks good though;tab=extended;token=undefined

TXPeddler said...

It's Texas and it's Spring... just wait 5 minutes or cross the street and the weather will change!

Even if the wind is not too bad, the best way to travel will be as a line.