Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The bumpers are in

Thanks to one of the engineers who helped me design them I have 15 bumpers. 10 are going directly to the WWP, including however many Truman needs. 3 are going to Rise adventures, the local group who helped me with the testing. 2 are going to some folks who helped and inspired me to build them. I can get more built, and plan to pass the info on to Rick, I am waiting on a quote.

Truman let me know how ,any and when you need them!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rollaid logo

Something I've been working on. I think this might be the finalized version. What do you think?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

New web forum!

Thanks to Steve, we finally have a web forum to facilitate planning and discussion for next year's ride. Please jump right in, register and help get this beast rolling.

The permanent link is over to the right, there.

Or you lazier buggers can just click right here

With luck, we'll have a nice homepage soon, too. Thanks, Steve-O.